Clearance sale


Retail shares are not really generating any storms of enthusiasm among investors at present. On the contrary: the in-vestor sentiment measured by sentix is in the negative range with more than 1.5 standard deviations. This is the lowest value since 2006, but it offers a contrary opportunity!


sentix policy barometer: Trump disturbs - and benefits


Anyone who thought that after the Italian parliamentary elections there would be calm on the political front is mistaken. Elections and the euro crisis have indeed faded into the background for investors, even though it is far from easy to form a government in Italy. Instead, the fire head on the other side of the Atlantic is making headlines again and is unsettled with protectionist slogans. For Trump himself, however, this seems to be paying off.


Institutional investors without clear equity positioning


Professional investors are paid to outperform by clearly positioning themselves against their benchmark. However, many institutional investors are currently retreating to their benchmarks in the "neutral corner". This is an unusual development and cause of a great disorientation - in the short and medium term.


A single repetition


In December last year, we published an unusual data constellation at this point. While the sentix overconfidence in-dex for equities showed an upper extreme, indicating increased risk exposure, the counterpart for US bonds was at a low. The difference between the two observations produced an extreme signal, which had only been reached once before - on the eve of the financial crisis. Now, in February 2018, another such extreme signal is emerging. A unique repetition!


sentix policy barometer: Stress increases


In February 2018, according to the investors surveyed by sentix, the pressure on the financial markets from policymakers will noticeably increase again. The sentix policy barometer drops from -0.1 to -0.34 points. The main reasons for this are the tugging around the "brexit", but also the forthcoming elections in Italy.


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