Equity sentiment on panic levels


The slap-bangling of the two conspicuous presidents Donald Trump and Kim Jong Un has massively clouded the mood on the markets. The sentix sentiment has fallen to the lowest level for two years in important markets. Con-trarians stop, because such a bad mood promises a positive price outlook. Is 2017 the history of 2013?


Sentiment for the Swiss francs on extreme level


In the last few weeks, the Swiss franc has clearly deteriorated in value against the euro. The strong Euro thus also radiates to the Alps Republic. The reaction of investors to this is euphoric. The sentiment for EUR / CHF reaches the state of euphoria with +46 percentage points. Consequently, the air is thin for a further rise - at least in the short term.


The traffic light for automobile sector switches to green


Fears of a flare-up of a new dieselgate at Daimler drives the sentiment of investors for the entire European automotive sector to a 24-month low. However, the fear of investors seems to be exaggerated. The sector index performance hardly showed any reaction. From a behaviour-oriented approach an anticyclical opportunity arises from these circumstances.


Investors show emotions


After investors have shown comparatively unemotional results in recent months, this has changed in the recent sentix investor survey. Sentiment on German equities has suffered a dignified downturn and has fallen to its lowest level since February 2016. The uncertainty about whether and how a return of the expansive monetary policy is going to have been the trigger. However, this scepticism is rather favourable for the stock market perspectives.


High appetite for risk in equity markets


Investors continue to show a relatively high appetite for risk in equities. This statement means less absolute positioning levels in stocks, but the structure and pattern of action. Above all, equities of small companies are still favoured by investors, and price gains are increasingly being used as an investment objective. In addition, investors are acting increasingly pro-cyclical.


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