Don’t drink and drive!


Automobile stocks have been among the weak stocks on the European stock markets in recent months. Above all, the discussions about driving bans in Germany and the consequences of the diesel affair burdened the car manufacturers, especially the German ones. This uncertainty has recently spread to the market as a whole. This has prompted many investors to make their sector mix more defensive. But now the time may have come for a rethink.


Brexit currently biggest political risk?


The decided withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the European Union has become the greatest political risk from the point of view of the investors surveyed by sentix in recent months. Increasingly, there are growing signs that there will be no comprehensive new regulation of contractual relations in good time. Even the US president and his trade rhetoric is fading into the background.


Is the silver shine coming back?


The price of silver has suffered considerably in recent weeks. The troy ounce fell from almost 17 US dollars to just over 14 US dollars. And if you only look at the market price, there is still no end in sight to the downward movement. However, a first glimmer of hope is to be announced from the sentiment.


The Brexit is increasingly becoming a burden


Since the beginning of the year, investors have perceived political issues as clearly weighing on the stock markets. So far, geopolitical issues and US President Trump have been the main influences. Despite the Turkish crisis, the sentix policy barometer has not deteriorated in this respect. But another topic is moving ever stronger - and negative! - into focus.


End of the holiday period


With the end of the holiday season in Central Europe, investors are also rethinking their minds. Medium-term ex-pectations for shares in the travel and leisure sector are falling significantly. This creates a sales readiness that speaks for an upcoming relative weakness of the sector.


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