sentix policy barometer: Geopolitics burdened


sentix policy barometer: Geopolitics burdenedPolitical risks are again rated significantly more negatively by investors. The sentix policy barometer fell by 0.11 points in April to -0.59. This is the lowest value since the start of the survey in April 2017. No wonder, since at the time of the survey the Syrian conflict was on the verge of a dramatic escalation.

The sentix policy barometer fell again in April by 0.11 points to -0.59. At the time of the survey, the Syria conflict and the dispute between Russia and the USA caused great uncertainty among the more than 1,000 investors surveyed by sentix. The "Geopolitics" subindex fell to -0.78 and shows the extent of investors' political fears.

sentix policy barometer

But investors are not only concerned with geopolitics. The US President is just as serious a cause for concern as the "Trump" subindex, which also fell to a new low of -0.9 points, shows. Here, concerns about a protectionist trade policy are a burden. Other policy areas, especially around the euro crisis, are fading. Surprisingly, investors' assessment of Brexit is also improving!
The “Brexit” sub-index rises to -0.28 points, almost the highest number on record.


The sentix policy barometer is conducted monthly in the second week of the month. It is intended to show whether and which policy issues from the investor's point of view are decisive for the capital market developments. In addition, we looked at the policy of the current US administration precisely from the current occasion.

The current survey was conducted between April 12th and April 14th, 2018, among more than 1.000 private and institutional investors.

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