Loss aversion vs. persuasion


The reaction of investors to an absence of further quantitative easing by the Japanese central bank has been significant. The latest sentix Sentiment for the USD/JPY exchange rate drops by 31 percentage points. Albeit investors’ confidence in the USD remains stable. A promising setup for a rising USD/JPY exchange rate over the medium term.


Rising confidence in Chinese stocks


The latest sentix Global Investor Survey reveals a bullish signal for Chinese stocks amid persistent global market caution. The sentix indicator points to a potential change of the prevailing market regime.


Investors shun the banks


In April, investors continue to see the European banking landscape sailing in troubled waters. The sentix Sector Sentiment for European bank stocks has been as negative recently as during the heights of the euro crisis in 2011/12. A potential buy opportunity could emerge.


Growing confidence in China


Investors reassess their bearish position on the Chinese equity market. The medium-term expectations have been on the rise since the beginning of 2016. The sentix indicator hints to rising markets ahead.


Brent rally runs out of fuel


Investors’ medium term market confidence towards Brent crude oil drops surprisingly significant. That means mounting trouble for markets as investors’ willingness to sell is on the rise. The sentix indicator hints to falling crude oil notations.


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