Trump in focus


Introduction of the sentix Trumpometer®

The new US administration is increasingly viewed by investors as an important market factor. For this reason, sentix begins measuring this perception and assessing how the actions of the US administration in various policy areas affect the stock market from the investor's point of view. The first survey involved more than 1,200 professional and private investors.


Crude burdens commodity asset class


The sentix asset class sentiment for commodities has reached the highest level since 2012. At the same time, investors express falling conviction about further rising crude oil prices. Due to the material interconnection between crude price and the development of all commodities, risks arise.




The sentix Sector Sentiment for European pharmaceutical stocks has hit the lowest level since 12 years ago. Within only a few weeks, investors’ perception has turned upside down. The latest remarks by president-elect Trump on drug pricing in the US has stirred up investors’ confidence. A short-term buying opportunity could arise.


US-Präsidenten und ihr Einfluss auf die Märkte

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Wir haben eine Ergänzung zu unserem Jahresausblick 2017 verfasst. Diese untersucht den Zusammenhang von Kapitalmarkttrends und Amtszeiten von US-Präsidenten.

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False hope

For the first time since the US election, the sentix Sentiment for the precious metal gold turns positive. The rapid built up of positive attitude, however, is counterproductive for further price increases.

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