Party on Wall Street


Investors celebrate the surprising outcome of the US election. Investors’ sentiment for the US equity market has reached the highest level since 2010. In the past, comparable sentiment levels indicated that the US market is temporarily overbought.


A second Brexit result?


In a special survey, we interviewed more than 1,000 investors for their opinion on the forthcoming US presidential elections. From the point of view of investors, the choice seems to be running. Around 90% expect a victory from Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton. This clear vote goes beyond the current state of the so-called "prediction mar-kets", ie the vote of the bookmakers. Is the story of the Brexit repeating itself?


Question of adjustment


Investors’ opinion on the euro currency has fallen to the lowest level since “Brexit”. Despite that comparable pessimistic sentiment readings point towards an immediate reversal, current portfolio setups do not fully support investors’ sentiment, yet. Hence, in the next weeks, the euro should continue to show relative weakness.


OPEC boosts investor sentiment


After OPEC announces production cuts, sentiment among oil market participants spikes and hits a bullish level not seen in more than two years. At the same time, investors’ confidence in higher crude prices solidifies. Both signals combined yield higher crude prices in the coming months, based on past studies.


Confidence in German equities at annual high


Confidence in German equities jumps to the highest value since a year ago. As professional investors continue to revise their expectations up, their sentiment remains dulled. Historically, the current indicator setup is a bullish sign for a positive development of the DAX stock index over the next weeks.


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