Little fear despite disappointment


Investors sentiment towards German government long bonds chills. EZB’s preliminary decision not to expand monetary policy disappoints investors. However, fear among market participants such as in April/May 2015 is not present, yet.


Emerging Markets Sentiment rises to three-year high


The monthly sentix indicator measuring investors’ sentiment for emerging markets equities points towards rising stock indices. Investors continue to show an unbridled willingness to purchase emerging markets stocks as the sentix index marks the highest reading since three years ago. Developments of economic expectations and commodity prices fire investors’ imagination.


Trust in Chinese equities is rising further


Since February, investor confidence in Chinese stocks has increased continuously. This is a positive signal for the equity market. The current impulse in sentix sentiment, measured in this week’s sentix Global Investor Survey, is now expected to translate the beliefs into concrete portfolio actions.


“Overconfidence Index” highlights threat to bond market


The sentix Global Investor Survey points towards mounting risk for German Bunds as the sentix Overconfidence Indicator’s +9 Points for the Bund-Future flashes warning signals. Comparable overconfidence levels have preceded market moves to the downside.


Investors prefer global equity markets


The latest sentix Strategic Bias conveys a positive implication for global equities. Investors bet on further rising stock markets as confidence mounts. Albeit, the European equity markets are trailing since the Brexit referendum.


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