Draghi electrifies bank shareholders


In September, a very strong increase can be observed for the sentix Sector Sentiment for European bank stocks. This comes after a negative extreme in the previous months. Investors are now celebrating the new ABS-buying programme of the European Central Bank (ECB). But as the enthusiasm has by far not reached all market participants yet, bank stocks should continue to benefit from this turn in investors' perception over the weeks to come.


Alibaba opens IPO investors’ eyes


The current sentix Global Investor Survey shows a remarkable development: sentix IPO Senti-ent rises strongly for the first time this year. The improvement of the indicator takes place against the backdrop of the coming US-IPO of Alibaba, a Chinese internet company. This event obviously also has an influence on European investors and lets their readiness to take on new issues rise.


Sentiment for automobiles markedly down


In August, sentix Sector Sentiment for European automobile stocks falls more strongly than for any other sector. Only a few months ago the same sector's sentiment had reached an all-time high. But falling economic expectations and a receding risk appetite now make investors more sceptical about the industry. Nevertheless, the data does not point to a contrarian opportunity yet.


Sentiment for banks touches lowest level since Draghi’s euro commitment


sentix Sector Sentiment for European banks falls to its lowest level since July 2012. That was when the euro-zone crisis was close to its climax and urged ECB president Draghi to famously fully commit to the euro. The extremely bad sentiment is now an opportunity for contrarian investors.


Investors turn their backs at smaller companies


The results of the current sentix Global Investor Survey show that investors' risk appetite is waning. A very clear example here is the declining preference for stocks of smaller companies as mir-rored by the sentix Small Caps Index. This index falls in July and thus signals that more and more investors are turning their backs at smaller capitalisations – with the risk of a spill-over to the rest of the market.


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