Sentiment impulse for gold!


As the latest sentix Global Investor Survey shows sentiment is clearly brightening for gold. At the same time, investors’ basic conviction for the yellow metal increases. Consequently, the improvement in sentiment is a kick-start signal for the market. This, in turn, points to rising gold prices in the coming months.


Euro with a Greek breather


Investors’ basic confidence in the euro erodes. This is signaled by a falling sentix Strategic Bias for the EUR-USD currency pair. Consequently, a period of US-dollar strength is set to lie ahead. But longer term the common currency should be on the rise again.


Buying signal for German stocks


Sentiment for German equities has deteriorated markedly. Currently it is as low as it last was at the beginning of October 2014. But investors’ basic conviction for the asset class increases and now stands close to its record high. As a result, the sentix Time Differential Index sends a clear buying signal!


Bond investors forced into ultra-long maturities


As yields approach the zero line for 10-year bunds investors are looking for ever longer maturities. This is the bottom-line from last weekend’s sentix survey on investors’ duration preferences. Their bias for German government bonds with a maturity of more than ten years is currently as strong as never before.


A hangover after the party – sentiment collapses


Sentiment for German equities has cooled down dramatically after the party the week before. Such a negative impulse is often followed by falling prices. But there is important reasons why a correction should not occur this time.


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