Special survey on European elections: Risks for EUR-USD and refinancing conditions of the periphery!


As the European elections between May 22nd and May 25th are approaching, sentix has set up a special survey on the topic. In this survey we have asked investors what impact on several capital markets issues they would expect to have a large success of Europe-critical parties in these elections  (survey running from April 24 to April 26, 922 participants). Here, we present and discuss the results of the survey.


Technology sentiment nosedives


After having reached an all-time high in February, sentix Sector Sentiment for European technology stocks now experiences its second-largest drop since its launch in 2002. Nevertheless, investors still expect the sector to outperform over the coming months. That means more trouble ahead for technology stocks!


Utilities – investors are getting cold feet again


sentix Sector Sentiment for European utilities stocks experiences a significant setback in March. It is now the worst among all 19 Stoxx segments. The deterioration is rather remarkable as absolute and relative performances of utilities stocks have been rising over the past weeks. For contrarian investors this is a clear opportunity.


Sentiment for emerging-markets stocks close to all-time low


In March, sentix Emerging Markets Equity Sentiment falls markedly and now stands closely to its all-time low recorded just after the collapse of Lehman Brothers, an investment bank, in 2008. Contrarian investors may see this as an investment opportunity. But we remain cautious so far. Firstly, the indicator has a significant lead on the actual developments of emerging-markets stocks which means that there is no need to hurry at the current juncture. And secondly, investors might become even more pessimistic in the weeks ahead.


Technology is running hot


In February, sentix Sector Sentiment for European technology stocks climbs to an all-time high. But the relative performance of Europe's tech stocks does currently not justify the extremely good mood. Probably, the US-American hype surrounding the take-over of the messenger service WhatsApp by Facebook has had an impact also on the old continent.


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