More bullish signals for European equities!


The sentix data universe makes it clear: investors commit in an increasingly strong manner to European shares. For instance, they currently plan with an investment horizon which was never longer than today. In addition, stock market participants behave rather anti-cyclically at the moment. Both is positive for the asset class.


Investors are looking through Greece


49.5% of investors currently expect a “Grexit” to happen within the next twelve months. This is shown by a new survey conducted by sentix over the weekend. At the same time the basic conviction for European stocks rises strongly. Consequently, investors anticipate a “happy end” of the Greek drama. A resumption of the bull market is thus near.


Extremely bad sentiment for European utility shares


sentix Sector Sentiment for utilities falls to a sector-specific all-time low. Only once before since 2002 was the mood for a sector worse among investors. But in relation to the whole market European utility stocks’ performance has stabilized since March. All in all, the signals point to a renewed contrarian opportunity.


Lowest sentiment for the Bund future since March 2012


sentix Sentiment for the Bund future falls to its lowest level since March 2012 when the Greek debt was restructured. In the past such a bad sentiment among investors subsequently has led to a rise in the Bund future. This time, too, we interpret the extreme reading as a contrarian signal!


Readiness to sell Chinese stocks rises


At high speed the sentix Strategic Bias currently falls for Chinese mainland stocks. The indicator stands for investors’ basic conviction for a market. Its sharp decline signals that a substantial readiness to sell has now emerged for Chinese equities.


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