sentix Euro Break-up Index News

On this page we provide information about the latest development of the sentix Euro break-up Index. This indicator shows over time, how likely individual and institutional investors rate the probabilty of a breakup of the euro area (leaving at least one country) within 12 months time. Also it reflects which countries are particularly affected.

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No escalation


Despite the unrest in the European Union triggered by the new government in Italy and the issues in EU migration policy, there has been no further increase in the sentix Euro Break-up Index. On the contrary: the overall index even fell slightly from 13.0% to 12.3%. Private investors are much more nervous than institutional investors.


Italy back in the spotlight


The difficulties in forming a government in Italy and the prospect of a Eurocritical alliance between Lega Nord and the 5-star party have alarmed investors. Italy's likelihood of leaving the country rises sharply in May from 3.6% to 11.3%. For the eurozone as a whole, the sentix EBI Index rises to 13%, the highest level since April 2017. And there is another surprise!


Europe remains calm


Investors' worries about a collapse of the euro zone will be reduced again in April. The sentix EBI Index again reached an all-time low of 6.3 points. Although the political situation in Italy remains unclear and the economic mo-mentum in Europe has recently dampened, this has no effect on the assessment of the stability of the euro zone.


No fears about Italy, concerns remain


The possible formation of a government in Rome between the two anti-European protest parties does not lead to new fears flaring up in the Euro Break-up Index for Italy and a new Euro crisis being indicated. Rather, the subindex for Italy is stable at 4.7 percentage points. The overall index for the euro zone also rose by only 0.9 percentage points after its all-time low of the previous month.


No fear of the Italian election


The forthcoming parliamentary elections in Italy do not cause any discomfort among investors. At least investors do not see this as a threat to the stability of the euro zone. The sentix Euro Break-up Index falls again to an all-time low of only 6.6%! This represents a clear contrast to Renzi's December 2016 referendum vote, when investors were clearly shaking. But with the stable economy in the eurozone, however, stability has also returned to the euro question. But is the election event also becoming a non-event at the markets?


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