Positioning risks for euro-area stocks have markedly decreased


The latest sentix data show that investor positioning in euro-zone shares has strongly fallen. It now stands close to its long-term average. Consequently, the immediate dangers for the asset class are clearly smaller than before – not more, but also not less than that.


Fears for emerging-markets stocks – a glimmer of hope!


The monthly sentix Sentiment for emerging-markets shares collapses in August. It now stands at its weakest level ever and thus even below its readings from autumn 2008, the time after Lehman Brothers, an investment bank, failed. This is positive, indeed!


Automobile sentiment again heavily hit by China sorrows


sentix Sector Sentiment for European automobile stocks falls again in August. The mood among investors is now as bad as is it was for the last time in October 2014. While the sentiment indicator already is in contrarian territory, a chart-technical buying signal is still missing.


Investors continue to favor the euro zone over the USA


Seitdem Mario Draghi die EZB auf ein umfassendes „Quantitative Easing“ eingeschworen hat, profitieren die europäischen Aktienmärkte von einem massiven Vertrauenskapital. Dieses ist deutlich größer als für andere Aktienmärkte und hat zu einer Outperformance der Euro-Aktienmärkte gegenüber ihren US-Pendants beitragen. Und dieser Trend ist noch nicht zu Ende!


Investors in the oil market view the downtrend to continue


Since early May, oil prices have come under pressure again. Meanwhile, the lows from the beginning of the year have been reached again. This has not only pushed the sentiment to a bearish extreme but now also means that investors tend to extrapolate the negative trend. The sentix Overconfidence Index indicates this. This could support the oil prices in the short term.


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