Robust, but heterogeneous


The sentix economic index (composite index) for the euro zone rises again in March and climbs from 13.3 to 13.9 points. This development is driven by investors' assessments of the current situation, while 6-month expecta-tions fall for the first time since September. For Germany, expectations decline for the third month in a row. Nevertheless, the composite index still signals that the German economy is in the middle of boom.

In the rest of the world things look rather mixed: Against the background of the Crimean crisis the sentix eco-nomic index for Eastern Europe drops strongly. But it rises for the two other emerging-markets regions, Asia ex Japan and Latin America. For the US, investors' opinions remain almost unchanged, while for Japan sentiment worsens further. The composite index for the global aggregate stays at a constant level, but the relatively high heterogeneity between countries and regions points to an increased uncertainty among investors and blurs the overall picture. 


New Italian government does not receive a warm welcome


The sentix Euro Break-up Index (EBI) for February falls to a new all-time low of 11.7%, coming from 13.3% at the year's start. The reading of the sentix EBI shows that currently less than one in eight investors expects at least one country to leave the euro area within the next twelve months.


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Wen kümmert es, wenn in China ein Sack Reis umfällt

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Die Aktienmärkte in den USA wie auch in Europa streben nach oben, die 10.000 Punkte im Dax scheinen in greifbarer Nähe. Der frühmorgendliche Blick nach Asien beunruhigt schon lange keinen mehr. Egal ob der Markt in Japan oder auch in China schwächelt, die Recovery-Story in Euroland vernebelt den Anlegern förmlich die Sinne. Jetzt haben es auch die Rating-Agenturen kapiert, dass es in Spanien und Italien besser läuft. Doch es laufen auf globaler Ebene Prozesse, welche als Krisenherd von Tag zu Tag an Kontur gewinnen: Die sentix-Konjunkturerwartungen für Asien (blau)  haben bereits zwei Rücksetzer in Folge gesehen, der China-PMI (orange) befindet sich im Schlepptau.


Technology is running hot


In February, sentix Sector Sentiment for European technology stocks climbs to an all-time high. But the relative performance of Europe's tech stocks does currently not justify the extremely good mood. Probably, the US-American hype surrounding the take-over of the messenger service WhatsApp by Facebook has had an impact also on the old continent.


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