Euro Break-up Index falls below 10 percent ahead of European elections


In April, the sentix Euro Break-up Index (EBI) falls from 10.9% to 9.8% and thus below the 10 percent threshold for the first time since its launch in June 2012. The reading shows that now less than one in ten investors expects at least one country to leave the euro zone within the next twelve months.


Technology sentiment nosedives


After having reached an all-time high in February, sentix Sector Sentiment for European technology stocks now experiences its second-largest drop since its launch in 2002. Nevertheless, investors still expect the sector to outperform over the coming months. That means more trouble ahead for technology stocks!


sentix Weekly - Oster-Edition

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Neuer Kompendiumsbeitrag: sentix Assetklassen Sentiment

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German economy loses steam


The sentix economic index (composite index) for Germany falls in April for the third time in a row. While 6-month-expectations have been dragging down the indicator over the past months, it is now also the assessment of the current situation which is not lending support to the composite index anymore. The German economy thus loses steam. The big question now is how the euro-zone economy will react to this. Still, it is looking robust: The composite index for the euro area increases, once more, slightly. But expectations are down a little for the sec-ond consecutive month. For the rest of the world sentiment is improving slightly in April. Investors are again more upbeat for the emerg-ing-markets regions after last month's Crimean crisis shock. Also do they see improvements for the US. But sor-rows are growing for Japan: Here, the composite index falls markedly for the third time in a row. 6-month-expectations for Japan's economy have now reached a level last seen in November 2012. That was exactly the time when the so-called "Abenomics" started to take effects on investors' confidence. Their positive impact has obviously faded now.


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