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Sehr geehrte sentix-Teilnehmer,

uns erreichte in dieser Woche eine Anfrage eines regelmäßigen sentix-Teilnehmers. Da wir glauben, dass die Antwort für mehrere sentix-Teilnehmer interessant sein könnte, möchten wir diese auf anonymisierten Wege veröffentlichen:


Politics reach their aim – EBI continues its fall


In May, the sentix Euro Break-up Index (EBI) falls from 9.8% to 9.0%. This again marks a new low in the history of the now two-year old indicator.

This month two developments are outstanding: Firstly, the national EBI for Italy now stands at 1.5% and thus, for the first time since the beginning of the year, clearly below the 2% threshold. Investors' nervousness surrounding Italy's government change in February has now faded a little. Secondly, the German index climbs from 1.0% to 1.7%. The European elections and the discussion about the euro-skeptic German party AfD have made investors once more aware of the fact that there is still a non-negligible number of euro-critics in Germany. This development now makes the German EBI the third highest behind the ones for Greece (6.7% after 7.1%) and for Cyprus (3.7% after 4.1%).


sentix ASR Essentials 18-2014


Deep investor pessimism on EUR/USD persists

The latest sentix survey underlines that while survey participants have become a little less downbeat on the medium-term prospects for European equities, they remain deeply pessimistic on the Eurozone currency. Medium-term sentiment readings on EUR/USD are running at historic extremes (Chart 3, page 2), while pessimism on the near-term prospects for Euro versus USD is also becoming relatively extended in a historic context (Chart 4). In short, Sentix survey participants remain deeply pessimistic on the Euro versus USD in both the near and medium-term.

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Latvia extends the sentix Euro break-up series


Die Datenreihen des sentix Euro Break-up Index wurden mit der Erhebung vom 23. Mai 2014 um Lettland erweitert. Lettland ist der Eurozone zum 01.01.2014 beigetreten. Die Daten sind unter dem Marktkürzel "LV" gespeichert. Alle Daten des sentix Euro Break-up Index finden Sie unter den Codes die mit SEBILVxx beginnen.

Neuer Kompendiumsbeitrag: sentix Anlegerpositionierung

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