Recovery, even in Japan!


The spring revival in the economic data continues in March. We were able to survey a rise in the respective total indices for all world regions. This leads us to be optimistic for the upcoming publication of the OECD Leading Indicator! Even for the buffeted Euroland-region, the sentix total index rises for the third time in a row. Neither rising oil prices, unrest in the Middle-East nor the latently smoldering Euro-crisis were able to sway sentiment at the moment.



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So etwas passiert nur einmal - zumindest nur einmal alle vier Jahre! Am 29. Februar 2012 regnet es Geld. Mit einem weiteren Dreijahrestender stellt die EZB erneut auf äußerst generöse Weise Liquidität zur Verfügung.


Liegt im Griechenland-Default eine Chance?

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In einer Sonderumfrage vom 02.02.-04.02.2012 haben fast 1.000 sentix Teilnehmer Ihre Einschätzung zur Entwicklung in Griechenland in den nächsten Wochen dokumentiert. Liegt in einem Zahlungsausfall Griechenlands tatsächlich eine Chance?


Economy continues to gain momentum


Spring stimulation in February! The global economy gains momentum. The roughly 1000 institutional and private investors surveyed by sentix consider the economic perspectives to be greatly improved. All world regions show positive signs, the improvements in Asia and Euroland are especially conspicuous.


Interactive schedule


You want to know which dates are pending at sentix or when the newest economic indices are published sometime in the next twelve months? Then take a look at the sentix schedule that answers these questions interactively for you!

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