Extended data offering (part 2)
25 June 2012
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Database news
For all customers with website data access immediately free new time series are available. Bloomberg customers also receive the data shortly after the new codes are integrated into the Bloomberg system.
These new series relate to the data package SNPB (sentix Preferences & behavior) or Complete. We extended the positioning indices for equities and bonds series by Z-Score indices for Euro area and USA (bonds only). We name these indices Position Risk indices because the indicate the risk for markets out of a relative over or under investment in the asset class.
The new codes:
SNTWZEI0 - Bond position risk index Euro area (Z-Score) - Institutionals
SNTWZUI0 - Bond position risk index US (Z-Score) - Institutionals
SNTAZAH0 - Equity position risk index Euro area (Z-Score) - Headline index
SNTAZAI0 - Equity position risk index Euro area (Z-Score) - Institutional investors
SNTAZAP0 - Equity position risk index Euro area (Z-Score) - Individual investors
These indicators are also available in the graph tool for active participants in the survey.
A detailed list of codes can be found here.