56% expect the break of the Eurozone


This is the result of the first survey on the new sentix Euro break-up risk index. 56% of the survey participants expect therefore at least the outlet of at least one country from the euro zone within the next 12 months! The survey involved nearly 1,000 investors from home and abroad. The probability of leaving the euro zone estimated here by private and institutional participants are very similar.

Greece "top candidate"

On the question which country is most likely to leave the euro zone, the participants - not surprisingly - answer very clear:88.9% expect Greece as the top exit candidate. Other countries are playing in the eyes of investors as an outlet candidates currently only a minor role. The two exceptions: Germany and Spain!

With 1.25%, the exit probability for Spain is even slightly higher than that of Portugal (1%). Considerably higher is the estimated probability for an exit of Germany (5.25%). Here have mainly the private investors a clear preference.

The sentix Euro break-up Risk Index is now collected weekly. The latest results are published at http://ebr.sentix.co.uk 

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