Cyprus and the other Euro angst


The tiny island nation of Cyprus holds the euro zone in breathing. The impending collapse of the Mediterranean island has unsettled investors and from their perspective increases the likelihood of a breakup of the euro zone. The sentix euro break-up index, which measures that probability rises to 41.05% (19.25% for the previous month). This is the highest level since late September 2012. The survey was taken from March 22nd to March 23rd, 2013 and attended by some 1,000 investors.


DAX-Diskussion: Anker bleibt Anker

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Der DAX hat wieder einmal die Marke von 8.000 Punkten erreicht. Das sentix-Sentiment, also die Erwartungen der Anleger auf Sicht von einem Monat, steigt kräftig. Die Luft in diesen Höhen wird dünner, zumal die 8.000 Punkte für viele Anleger das Signal darstellt, dass der Markt nun definitiv „oben" ist. Dass der DAX tatsächlich umgehend in eine gewisse Atemnot gekommen ist, zeigt innerhalb des sentix-Datenkranzes der Strategische Bias. Dieser stellt die 6-Monats-Erwartungen der Anleger dar, und er ist nun spürbar eingeknickt. Viel mehr als diese „magischen" 8.000 Punkte trauen die Investoren dem DAX derzeit offensichtlich nicht zu. Das haben wir in unserer aktuellen Wochenanalyse so geschrieben. Auch haben wir dort darauf hingewiesen, dass es sich bei diesem Phänomen um den in der Behavioral Finance bekannten „Ankereffekt" handelt: Die Marktteilnehmer haben ihre Erwartungen für DAX-Höchststände an dieser Marke verankert. Denn bisher wurden die 8.000 Punkte zwar schon ein paar Mal, nämlich exakt vor 13 Jahren sowie Mitte und Ende 2007, knapp überschritten – aber danach ging es dann jeweils bald wieder abwärts.


Italian elections lead to setback for the euro zone


After six consecutive rises the composite index for the euro zone falls in March from -3.9 to -10.6 points. This is its lowest reading this year, but still higher than in December. The results of the Italian elections leave negative traces in both the current assessment of the economic situation and the 6-month-expectations of investors.. From the other regions in the sentix survey there was no positive impact worth of note, either. Consequently, the index for the global aggregate recedes, too. Interestingly, once more the German composite index inches a little higher against the general trend of the month. 


Ergebnisse der sentix-Umfrage zur Italien-Wahl

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Italien hat eine echte Schmierenkomödie abgeliefert, wobei Berlusconi fürs Schmieren und der zweite Wahsieger, Beppo Grillo, für die Komödie zuständig scheint. Doch was bedeuten die Ereignisse südlich der Alpen für die Finanzmärkte? Antworten auf diese Frage bringt eine sentix-Blitzumfrage, die von sentix durchgeführt wurde. Die Umfrage fand gestern, am 26. Februar 2013, von 15 bis 22 Uhr unter 837 Anlegern des deutschsprachigen Raumes statt. Laut dieser Umfrage rechnen 73,2% der befragten Anleger damit, dass der Urnengang für nur kurzfristige Irritationen an den Finanzmärkten sorgen wird. Doch immerhin 24,3% der Umfrageteilnehmer gehen davon aus, dass die Wahl ein nachhaltig negatives Ereignis darstellt. Dennoch dürfte sich Italien mit diesem Wahlergebnis selbst erheblich geschadet haben.


Cyprus and Italy stop EBI downtrend


The sentix Euro Breakup Index (EBI) for February increases from 17.15% to 19.25%. Consequently, the downtrend of the index is stopped, at least for the moment. At the same time, the current EBI value is still the second lowest since the indicator was launched in June 2012.

A reading of 19,25% means that about one in five investors expects at least one country to leave the euro zone within the next twelve months. The EBI had reached a high in July 2012 with 73%. The current survey was conducted from February 21st to February 23rd, 2013. 970 investors took part in the internet poll.

That the EBI has not fallen further (as in the six previous months) is mainly due to the investors' assessments of Cyprus and Italy. The EBI for Cyprus rises against the background of unresolved banking problems from 7.5% to 10.9%. For Italy the EBI climbs – just before the national elections – from 0.6% to 3.0%. That is the second highest reading for Italy since the EBI's inception. Only in July 2012 the index stood higher (at 4.0%).

In addition, the indices for Greece and Spain rise slightly. Greece remains the country for which most investors expect a euro exit within the next twelve months. Its EBI now stands at 15.3% (after 13.9%).

The positive surprise of the month is Portugal. Its EBI decreases for the seventh time in a row (from 1.5% to 1.4%). As a result, Portugal drops out of the list of those five countries with the highest EBI readings. It is replaced by Italy.

Among the countries with the five highest EBI readings remain the two core countries Germany and Finland. For both euro members the February readings rise slightly to 2.0% and 1.5%, respectively.

The February results of the sentix Euro Breakup Index show that at the current juncture the tensions surrounding the euro are not easing anymore. Reasons are probably the banking problems in Cyprus and the elections in Italy. Cyprus seems to have the potential to turn into a second Greece, although its present EBI is still lower than Greece's EBI ever was.

This month one could already observe investors' nervousness concerning political instabilities in Italy and Spain when looking at financial markets: Spreads for bonds from the euro periphery (over German Bunds) have stopped their downtrend. The February-EBI for Italy now even points to much higher spreads for Italian bonds than can be currently observed. If one looks at the history of the EBI, its current reading is indicating spread levels of around 450 basis points (bp) for 10-year bonds. This is not compatible with the actual ones of around 290 bp. But one has to bear in mind that the higher spreads in the past resulted from a much more euro hostile environment in general. Consequently, a comparison makes only partly sense.

Italian spreads over Bunds and Italian EBIThe divergence between the actual and the theoretical spread, given a concrete EBI, may also result from the assessment of private investors. Private investors this month are much more pessimistic than their institutional peers regarding Italy (EBI for private investors: 4.5%, EBI for institutional investors: 1.6%). But it is institutional investors who have the greater weight for spread developments.

Considering this, the February-EBI has to be understood as a kind of warning: While the euro zone experiences quite positive dynamics at the moment (reflected in other sentix data like the sentix strategic bias for stocks or the sentix eco indices), the situation remains fragile.


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