Relaxation à la Trump


In November, investor concerns over political developments eased slightly. This is mainly due to the fact that geopolitics and the US president are assessed more favorably. An opposite trend is observed in the Brexit theme, which is gaining negative momentum. And even the difficult government formation in Germany weighs on the policy barometer.

The sentix policy barometer may improve slightly in November. Especially declining geopolitical concerns of investors and a better assessment of the topic "Trump" contribute to this. However, less encouraging is the development of the topic "Brexit". This seems to be gaining momentum for investors. Difficult government formation and the possibility of new elections are contributing to the decline in the "elections" sub-index.

sentix politics barometer

Interesting is the development of the assessment of the US president. Although his personal and professional assessment remains critical, investors are increasingly getting used to the situation. In addition, all policy areas are assessed more favorably than in recent months. Above all, the hope for a realization of the tax reduction project is appreciated.


The sentix policy barometer is conducted monthly in the second week of the month. It is intended to show whether and which policy issues from the investor's point of view are decisive for the capital market developments. In addition, we looked at the policy of the current US administration precisely from the current occasion.

The current survey was conducted between November 09th and November 11th, 2017, among more than 1.000 private and institutional investors.


Very good sentiment on the stock market


How much the world can change for investors within two months! In the middle of August, we had still measured panic among the investors. Two months later, the mood has changed completely. Now there is almost a euphoric sentiment. In August, the (still unresolved) North Korean conflict was in the center of consideration, now it is the prospect of a further expansive monetary policy and the robust economy that the investor is concerned with.


Die Stimmung für Neuemissionen steigt – Kehrt das IPO-Fieber zurück?

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Aktien-Neuemissionen waren in den letzten Jahren nicht sonderlich in Mode. Nun kehrt das Vertrauen in Aktien-Neuemissionen unter den Anlegern mehr und mehr zurück. Das entsprechende sentix Barometer markiert ein neues Mehrjahreshoch! Kehrt das IPO-Fieber zurück?


Euphoria in industrials stocks is alarming


The strong economy is driving investor sentiment for the European industrial sector to a two-and-a-half-year high. Investors feel that the industrial sector is profiting from the booming economy. The euphoria which has broken out, however, is an alert.


After the election comes the discomfort


Prior to the election, investors were still deeply relaxed. What should happen at the Bundestag elections, when the re-election of Chancellor Merkel seemed a safe bet. Now Germany is politically blocked by difficult coalition negotiations in the short term. And the next elections, which are seen more critically, are coming closer now!


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