sentix ASR Essentials 42-2017


EM equities and Commodity sentiment holding up

In recent weeks, survey participants have become less positive on the medium-term prospects for developed and emerging equity markets, even as indices have pushed ever-higher. However, monthly survey questions on asset class sentiment suggest investors’ opinion on emerging equity markets as a grouping is holding up. This is consistent with investors’ positive opinion on the outlook for commodities. EM equity and commodity sentiment remain closely linked. A continued revival in investors’ medium-term strategic bias on Crude Oil would therefore likely lend support to risk appetite in emerging markets. One to watch! See Charts 2-4, p2.

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sentix Investmentmeinung 41-2017

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Gewinnmitnahme am Kabuto Cho

Japanische Aktien haben eine starke Rallye-Phase hinter sich. Seit Anfang September hat der Nikkei rund 2.000 Punkte ohne nennenswerte Konsolidierung zurückgelegt. Nun klopft der Markt an einen wichtigen Widerstand an und ist gleichzeitig überkauft. Ein guter Zeitpunkt für Gewinnmitnahmen!

Geänderte Einschätzungen: Nikkei Index

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sentix ASR Essentials 41-2017


Retail sentiment slides towards 2008 relative lows

The latest sentix survey provides an insight into investors’ opinion on European markets and sectors as we move into Q4. At a market level, investors’ medium-term strategic bias on equities continues to show signs of moving onto a less positive path. However, at a sector sentiment level there is little sign of heightened risk aversion, with sentiment on defensives such as Healthcare and Food & Beverage weakening over the past month, while high optimism on Technology and Industrials has headed even higher. On the other side of the sentiment divide a couple of sectors stand. Media readings edged higher over the month, but pessimism is still near 10Y extremes, while relative pessimism on Retail is nearing the extremes reached in 2008. A lot of pessimism is baked into both sectors versus the market at current levels. See pages 2 and 3 for charts.

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sentix Investmentmeinung 40-2017

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Geänderte Einschätzungen: Rohöl

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sentix ASR Essentials 40-2017


Sentiment tailwind still supporting Nikkei and USD/JPY

The latest sentix survey suggests both near-term sentiment and investors’ strategic bias on eurozone equities has modestly weakened. However, in wider global equity context there has been little sign of a change of investor tack on Japan, with sentiment and strategic bias readings both heading higher as the Nikkei 225 index nears 2015 highs around 20,977. Investor sentiment towards the Japanese equity market remains closely tied to views on the Japanese Yen. It is encouraging then that even after the recent revival in sentiment on both Nikkei and USD/JPY, there is still some way to go before survey readings reach levels that would indicate risk of a reversal from an extended optimism condition. See Page 2 for charts.

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