sentix ASR Essentials 35-2017


Signs of caution on EUR/USD in medium-term

The latest sentix survey indicates that investors remain upbeat on equities from a medium-term strategic perspective, but have become a little less positive on bunds. There are also signs that investors are becoming more cautious on the euro heading into a month that will see central bank meetings return to the fore, starting with the ECB on Thursday. Near-term sentiment readings on EUR/USD are now back at relatively neutral levels. At the same time, investors are becoming less positive on the medium-term outlook for the euro versus the US dollar. In short, investor enthusiasm for the single currency has moderated ahead of this week’s ECB meeting. See Page 2 for charts.

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sentix Investmentmeinung 34-2017

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Saisonale Wenden

Jackson Hole, die jährliche Konferenz der wichtigsten Notenbank-Chefs, hat keine greifbaren Ergebnisse gebracht. Weder FED, noch die EZB, haben sich in die Karten schauen lassen. Allerdings steht bei der EZB Anfang September dennoch ein Richtungsentscheid an. Der hohe TD-Index-Wert sowie der starke technische Widerstand bei 165,90 eröffnen u.E. eine Verkaufsgelegenheit. Zudem zeigt sich bei Rohöl ein altbekanntes Phänomen.

Geänderte Einschätzungen: Bund Future, Rohöl

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sentix ASR Essentials 34-2017


Equities: The fear declines

The absence of negative news which caused indignation has slightly improved the equity mood. Technically, stocks have not been able to break free, so that the final release has not happened yet. However, due to the stable Bias and favourable positioning data, the expectation for a positive fourth quarter remains unchanged. In contrast to oil. Here, the Bias declines and reveals a clear risk factor.

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sentix Investmentmeinung 33-2017

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Zweite Reihe und Emerging Markets rücken in den Fokus

Die grundsätzlich positive Signallage für Aktien hat auch in der abgelaufenen Woche Bestand. Die stark negativen Sentiment und Time Differential-Werte stellen auf Sicht von 10-16 Wochen ordentliche Kursgewinne in Aussicht. Anders sieht es dagegen bei einigen „Nebenkriegs-Schauplätzen“ aus.

Geänderte Einschätzungen: Emerging Markets Aktien, MDAX vs. DAX

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sentix ASR Essentials 33-2017


$1300 remains a key test of investor sentiment on Gold

The latest sentix survey points to a pick-up in sentiment towards commodities as an asset class over the past month, with readings reaching their highest level since Q1. However, at a market level, investors have become less optimistic on the near-term outlook for Gold, with headline survey readings dropping back from the previous week’s highly elevated sentiment levels. The good news for Gold is that near-term concerns have not de-railed the recent improvement in survey participants’ mediumterm strategic bias on the metal. The bad news is that $1300 remains a notable test of investors’ sentiment towards Gold. See Charts 2-4, p2.

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