sentix Survey results (25-2024)


Professionals and private investors on different paths

The current market trend is confusing investors. The situation in the eurozone is inspiring the professionals and giving them a clearly positive outlook for the future. For the US stock market, on the other hand, short-term irritation is increasing. Bonds and precious metals are showing a clear increase in confidence. The same applies to crude oil. Here, the discrepancy with investor positioning is considerable.

Further results

  • Silver: Gaining confidence
  • Crude oil: positive risk
  • sentix Styles - Investor preferences & behavior

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sentix Survey results (24-2024)


Fear of elections in France

Sentiment fell significantly last week, particularly on the European stock markets. This is less the case for US equities. There, medium-term confidence in equities continues to rise. The political barometer shows that this is a Central European phenomenon. The strategic bias for French government bonds has reacted significantly. Precious metals, on the other hand, are stable and Bitcoin is also sending out an exclamation mark.

Further results

  • Bonds: Reaction to the spreads
  • FX: Single currency under pressure
  • sentix sector sentiment

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Upswing without momentum - 8th rise in a row


The sentix economic index for the eurozone continued its recovery trend in June: however, the recovery is only proceeding slowly in triple steps. With the eighth increase in a row, the overall index has only just reached the zero line. Nevertheless, at +0.3 points, it is no longer negative for the first time since February 2022. However, the situation values remain in negative territory despite the increase (-9.0 points), while the expectations component rose by 2.2 points to +10.0 points. This means that the Eurozone has significantly better economic momentum than the USA. Although the current situation there is still considered to be extremely good at +28.3 points, the 6-month expectations have fallen slightly and are only showing a small increase (+2.3 points). Nevertheless, the level of expansion is likely to be maintained overall. Internationally, the "Asia ex-Japan" region is still convincing. The expectations component there has risen for the eighth time in a row to 19.5 points.


sentix Survey results (23-2024)


Crude oil: Positive indication in the TD Index

We are measuring an improvement in sentiment and basic strategic confidence in equities. The latter is unusual against the backdrop of seasonality. Bonds, on the other hand, are not gaining in strategic bias. The data on crude oil is promising.

Further results

  • Equities: Further improvement in sentiment
  • Bonds: No improvement in basic confidence
  • sentix economic indices: Monday, 10.06.24, 10.30 CEST

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sentix Survey results (22-2024)


First positive sentiment signals

Sentiment towards equities continues to cool. At the same time, we are measuring an increase in medium-term basic confidence. This is an unusual change in the data both in terms of seasonal timing and against the background of price trends. Statistically, this points to rising share prices. We are also seeing a noteworthy signal in the Japanese yen.

Further results

  • Gold: Hardly any room for new buying
  • FX: Investors fear renewed selling in USD-JPY

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