Massive global slump

Following the severe setback of the "first mover" in the previous month, there is now another, more pronounced economic slump in August. The global recovery comes to a halt. The sentix economic index for the eurozone fell by a whopping 6.6 points. The overall index now stands at -13.9 points, the lowest level since January 2024, with expectations falling even more sharply by 10.3 points. Germany in particular is in a nosedive. The overall index lost a whopping 12.0 points. The current assessment even deteriorated to -42.8 points, the worst value since June 2020! The expectations component plummeted to -18.5 points. The recession bells are ringing once again in Germany. Signs of fatigue are also evident in the USA: The overall index loses 9.0 points for the fourth time in a row. Expectations also indicate an accelerated slowdown. The rest of the world, including the Asian region, is lagging behind.

Full report August 2024

Headlines of the month

  • The global economy is in decline. The sentix economic index for the eurozone has slumped by a whopping 6.6 points. The overall index now stands at -13.9 points, the lowest level since January 2024, with expectations plummeting even further by 10.3 points.
  • Germany is also in a nosedive. The overall index fell by 12.0 points - despite already weak values in the previous month. The situation assessment even deteriorated to -42.8 points, the worst value since June 2020! The expec-tations component plummeted to -18.5 points. The recession bells are ringing again in Germany.
  • Now the US economy is also taking a hit. The overall index has lost 9.0 points. In addition, expectations indicate an accelerated slowdown: The decline of 7.5 points to -10 points is the lowest value for the US economy since July 2023. The rest of the world is following in its wake.

sentix Eco Report Euro area

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