sentix Investmentmeinung 42-2017

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Emerging Markets Aktien im Fokus

Die Aktienmärkte der Emerging Markets zeigten sich in den letzten Wochen weiter stark. Entgegen unserer Erwartung haben die Kurse nochmals zugelegt. An der kritischen Datenlage hat sich nichts geändert. Folglich bleibt es bei unserer vorsichtigen Einschätzung!

Geänderte Einschätzungen: keine

Klicken Sie hier für die aktuelle Investmentmeinung (sentix Registrierung erforderlich)

sentix ASR Essentials 42-2017


EM equities and Commodity sentiment holding up

In recent weeks, survey participants have become less positive on the medium-term prospects for developed and emerging equity markets, even as indices have pushed ever-higher. However, monthly survey questions on asset class sentiment suggest investors’ opinion on emerging equity markets as a grouping is holding up. This is consistent with investors’ positive opinion on the outlook for commodities. EM equity and commodity sentiment remain closely linked. A continued revival in investors’ medium-term strategic bias on Crude Oil would therefore likely lend support to risk appetite in emerging markets. One to watch! See Charts 2-4, p2.

Click here for the full report

Euphoria in industrials stocks is alarming


The strong economy is driving investor sentiment for the European industrial sector to a two-and-a-half-year high. Investors feel that the industrial sector is profiting from the booming economy. The euphoria which has broken out, however, is an alert.


After the election comes the discomfort


Prior to the election, investors were still deeply relaxed. What should happen at the Bundestag elections, when the re-election of Chancellor Merkel seemed a safe bet. Now Germany is politically blocked by difficult coalition negotiations in the short term. And the next elections, which are seen more critically, are coming closer now!


Research Update Q4 2017

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sentix Chef-Stratege Manfred Hübner im Gespräch mit Andreas Franik zu den Marktaussichten im 4. Quartal 2017.


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