China effect hits automobile sector


In July, sentix Sector Sentiment for Europe’s automobile stocks falls more strongly than for any other sector. It is the sorrows concerning a fading demand from China, spurred by the latest market turbulences, which can be felt here. But the positive trend in automobile stocks is still not to be put into question.


sentix ASR Essentials 28-2015


EBI falls, investors celebrate supposed “Grescue”

After the clear „no“ in the Greek referendum and Tsipras’ subsequent u-turn stock investors now celebrate. At the same time investors recognize the resulting evil for bonds. The common currency benefits and the EBI readings fall significantly. Has the euro break-up risk really disappeared? Far away from the European debt drama the problems mount in China – the Strategic Bias for Chinese equities continues its fall.

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sentix Investmentmeinung 27-2015

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Anleger schauen durch die Krise hindurch

Egal, welche Hiobsbotschaften aus Athen oder Brüssel kommen, die Anleger zeigen sich in Ihrer Wertung zu den Kapitalmärkten beharrlich und klar. Sowohl für die Aktienmärkte Europas, Japans und der USA wie auch für die Konjunktur aller drei Wirtschaftsregionen steigt die Zuversicht trotz der Griechenland-Krise und der quälenden Frage, ob ein Grexit kommt oder nicht. Der sentix Konjunkturindex für Euroland legt im Juli entgegen den allgemeinen Erwartungen auf 18,5 Punkte zu und wechselt sogar in den Boom-Quadranten der sentix Konjunktur-Uhr...

Geänderte Einschätzungen: US-Treasuries, Gold

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Gold does not benefit from the Greek crisis


Investors’ basic conviction for gold is fading. This is mirrored by the sentix Strategic Bias for the yellow metal which con-tinues to fall although the Greek crisis and a favourable seasonal pattern should lend support. Rather do investors expect US yields to rise, though, and, at the same time, they lose their inflation fantasies. Both goes against higher gold prices.


Euro zone defies Greek crisis


Despite the increasing confusion surrounding the fate of Greece the composite index for the euro zone rises in July. While investors’ 6-month expectations remain about stable, their assessments of the current situation improve significantly. This constellation signals that market participants already behave as if the euro area was in a boom! In addition, the strong rise of the US index stands out. At the same time, though, the picture for the emerging-markets regions gets ever cloudier which, all in all, points to a world economy losing further steam.


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