More bullish signals for European equities!


The sentix data universe makes it clear: investors commit in an increasingly strong manner to European shares. For instance, they currently plan with an investment horizon which was never longer than today. In addition, stock market participants behave rather anti-cyclically at the moment. Both is positive for the asset class.


Investors are looking through Greece


49.5% of investors currently expect a “Grexit” to happen within the next twelve months. This is shown by a new survey conducted by sentix over the weekend. At the same time the basic conviction for European stocks rises strongly. Consequently, investors anticipate a “happy end” of the Greek drama. A resumption of the bull market is thus near.


sentix Investmentmeinung 25-2015

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Alle schauen auf Griechenland, aber in den USA spielt die Musik

Verabschiedet sich die Eurozone von Griechenland oder wird in letzter Minute ein weiterer Kompromiss gefunden? Es sieht ganz danach aus, dass die Angst der Euro-Staaten vor den Ungewissheiten eines „Grexit“ größer ist, als die Angst weiter in ein Fass ohne Boden zu investieren. Geld, welches von der Notenbank so billig produziert wird, ist anscheinend wenig wert. Natürlich hat der Ausgang der heutigen Nachtsitzung Auswirkung auf die kurzfristige Markttendenz. Aber bekanntlich haben politische Börsen kurze Beine. Deshalb finden wir das, was sich in den USA derzeit ereignet, auch viel spannender – und eher für die nächsten Wochen kursbestimmend.

Geänderte Einschätzungen: EuroSTOXX 50, DAX, S&P500, China-Aktien

Klicken Sie hier für die aktuelle Investmentmeinung (sentix Registrierung erforderlich)

sentix ASR Essentials 25-2015


China concerns chime with Commodity caution

The latest sentix survey suggests investors have become more cautious on the outlook for Emerging Equity Markets, in a move that chimes with weakening sentiment towards Commodities as an asset class. At a market level, this change in investor opinion can be seen in the sharp reversal in readings on the Chinese market. Near-term sentiment readings on Chinese equities have been falling since April, with the latest survey seeing pessimism reach levels last seen in October last year, albeit readings are well above historic lows. At the same time, readings based on respondents’ medium-term strategic bias on China have fallen to levels last seen over a year ago. Such caution on the near and medium-term outlook for the Chinese equity market may have been lent support by the double-digit declines seen in indices such as the Shanghai Composite last week. See page 2 for charts.

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Extremely bad sentiment for European utility shares


sentix Sector Sentiment for utilities falls to a sector-specific all-time low. Only once before since 2002 was the mood for a sector worse among investors. But in relation to the whole market European utility stocks’ performance has stabilized since March. All in all, the signals point to a renewed contrarian opportunity.


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