sentix ASR Essentials 03-2018


Commodity optimism heading towards high-water mark

At an asset level, the latest sentix survey revealed that investors are becoming less positive on the medium-term outlook for both eurozone equities and bonds. In contrast, a rising tide of optimism has lifted sentiment readings on commodities to relatively elevated levels, while medium-term strategic bias readings on Gold are also nearing 2016 highs. A lot of positive sentiment is baked into commodities as a grouping, which may leave them at risk should dollar strength re-emerge or macro data challenge the strong global growth narrative. History suggests any reversal in commodities might also undermine sentiment towards emerging equity markets, which also remains elevated. See charts 2-4, p2.

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sentix Investmentmeinung 02-2018

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sentix in Bild und Ton

Aus terminlichen Gründen entfällt die Investmentmeinung in dieser Woche. Damit Sie dennoch nicht ganz ohne sentix-Einschätzung sind, haben wir zwei Videoempfehlungen für Sie! Änderungen am Research-Portfolio nehmen wir in dieser Woche keine vor.

Geänderte Einschätzungen: Keine

Lesen Sie hier die Ergebniskommentierung (sentix Registrierung erforderlich)

sentix ASR Essentials 02-2018


Bond-sensitive sectors on the back-foot

Deep pessimism on bonds appears to be casting a long shadow across investors’ European sector preferences, with the latest sentix survey pointing to increased pessimism on bond sensitive sectors such as Utilities (which remains survey participants’ least-loved sector) and Telecoms versus the market. This is consistent with the notable relationship between investors’ medium-term strategic bias on bunds and their sentiment towards Telecoms (chart 2, page 2). While pessimism on Bunds is not extreme, sentiment readings have fallen towards the low-end of their historic range. Any bounce in eurozone bonds in the coming weeks may lend some near-term sentiment support to hard-pressed bond-sensitive sectors. See pages 2 and 3 for charts.

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sentix Investmentmeinung 01-2018

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Wie riskant sind US-Aktien?

Das Research-Portfolio hatte keinen guten Jahresausklang. Die von uns favorisierten Marktbewegungen sind überwiegend nicht so eingetreten wie erwartet, obwohl zum Teil sehr starke Signale vorlagen. Die-sem Umstand müssen wir Rechnung tragen und Position für Position betrachten: wo ist ein Comeback zu erwarten und wo müssen wir die Fehlprognose durch einen Stopp-Loss beenden?

Geänderte Einschätzungen: EuroSTOXX 50, EUR-JPY, Gold

Lesen Sie hier die Ergebniskommentierung (sentix Registrierung erforderlich)

Danger of overheating


In January 2018, there was no sign of a loss of momentum in the sentix economic indices, which we were able to detect in the beginning of December. On the contrary: all regions of the world show a stable, positive and moderately improved economic picture. The US economic expectations, which are stimulated by the tax reform, have improved particularly significantly. In the eurozone, too, progress is continuing. And even latecomers such as Eastern Europe and Latin America continue to improve. The upswing is thus broad and synchronous. The likelihood of overheating is increasing.


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