sentix ASR Essentials 06-2018


Back on the defensives

The latest sentix survey indicates that investor pessimism on the near-term outlook for equities is now notable, but not extreme. Monthly survey questions on investors’ views on European sectors paint a similar sentiment picture. Investors have become a little more upbeat on the outlook for defensive sectors such as Food & Beverage and Healthcare, and less optimistic on sectors such as Autos, Chemicals and Construction. There are signs that the correction in equity markets is pushing investors onto a more defensive sector tack. That said, they remain deeply downbeat on Utilities, which remains the least loved sector in a relative context. See page 2 for charts.

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sentix Investmentmeinung -kompakt- Februar 2018

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sentix Investmentmeinung 05-2018

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Die Korrektur hat begonnen

In der Vorwoche thematisierten wir die unverändert hohen Risiken für Aktien, die sich insbesondere aus den US-Märkten heraus ergeben hatten. Mit fast 4% Minus erlebte die Wall Street einen der kräftigsten Rückschläge der letzten beiden Jahre. Die Korrektur hat begonnen, doch wie weit wird sie gehen?

Geänderte Einschätzungen: DAX, EUR-USD, US Bonds

Lesen Sie hier die Ergebniskommentierung (sentix Registrierung erforderlich)

sentix ASR Essentials 05-2018


Inflation expectations bashing bunds sentiment

While investors have become pessimistic on the near-term outlook for equities in the past week, this caution pales in comparison to the deep pessimism evident on bonds on both sides of the Atlantic. A lot of pessimism is baked in bunds, with sentiment readings falling towards the low end of their historic range and near-term neutrality levels close to 2-year lows. Monthly survey questions on ‘themes’ underline the bearish sentiment role being played by inflation expectations. Inflation data are therefore worth watching in the coming weeks: any unexpectedly benign EZ releases could challenge current deep bund pessimism. See Page 2 for charts.

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Vote of no confidence against the GroKo


In February, economic momentum in the euro zone is weakening somewhat. The total index drops by one point to 31.9 points. While the situation may continue to improve, expectations have fallen to their lowest level since February 2017. Germany plays a major role in this process. The GroKo negotiations are not well received by investors. Expectations drop by more than 6 points! In the rest of the world, however, investors surveyed by sentix believe that the economic situation remains robust.


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