sentix Investmentmeinung 22-2018

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Stop-Loss im Nasdaq, aber kein bullishes Aktienumfeld

Auf eine Korrektur im Nasdaq zu setzen, hat sich nicht gelohnt. Mit dem Break der 7.000er Marke und dem aktuellen Anstieg im Strategischen Bias müssen wir dies anerkennen. Leitet sich daraus eine gene-relle Besserung des Aktienumfeldes ab? Wir denken nein. Denn an anderen Märkten bleibt der Bias schwach, was angesichts der negativen Konjunkturerwartungen nicht wirklich überrascht.

Geänderte Einschätzungen: Nasdaq

Lesen Sie hier die Ergebniskommentierung (sentix Registrierung erforderlich)

Is Italy tipping over the euro economy?


Now they are here, the American punitive tariffs. So far, this has done less harm than one might think to global economic expectations. It appears that investors still hope that the world's trade dispute with the US will not get out of control. Investors, on the other hand, are far less lenient with developments within the euro zone. The new government in Rome is very sceptical. This is so strong that economic expectations in the euro zone are downright tilting.


sentix Survey results (22-2018)


Euroland stocks in a crisis of confidence

Pessimism continues to rise as the stock markets correct. This signal makes contrarian investors listen attentively. However, the price declines for equities do not increase the perception of value for stocks. The US technology market is an exception. Conversely, investors are increasingly discovering the US and Eurozone bond market as an investment alternative. Investors remain anything but confident about the euro.

Click here for the full report

Extension of the sentix database (May 2018)


The following new time series have been created and are available to data customers via our website or Bloomberg:


Italy back in the spotlight


The difficulties in forming a government in Italy and the prospect of a Eurocritical alliance between Lega Nord and the 5-star party have alarmed investors. Italy's likelihood of leaving the country rises sharply in May from 3.6% to 11.3%. For the eurozone as a whole, the sentix EBI Index rises to 13%, the highest level since April 2017. And there is another surprise!


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