sentix Survey results (08-2021)


The next tactical buy signal

Very quickly, worries on the stock market arise again. This is astonishing, since the relatively calm price development in the stock indices does not actually provide any reason for fears. In the medium-term bias, these worries are not visible; calmness and persistence stand out there. Even the emerging interest rate fears cannot shake investors' fundamental conviction in equities. Consequently, the next tactical buy signal is in place.

Further results:
  • Equities: Low bias vola
  • Bonds: Interest rate fears are present
  • sentix styles - Investor preferences & behavior

Click here for the full report (requires a sentix registration)

sentix Survey results (07-2021)


Fixed income on the shooting list

While there is little movement in investor behavior on the equity side, investors are increasingly flying the flag on the bond side. Beneficiaries are the precious metals, first and foremost silver, where the bias again strives upward. With gold, however, the neutrality rises massively, which can be interpreted as a harbinger of a new trend impulse. The overconfidence quickly for the Asian stock markets, as well as for crude oil upwards.

Further results:
  • Equities: Sentiment calming
  • Equities: Overconfidence for Asian equity markets and crude oil
  • sentix sector sentiment

Click here for the full report (requires a sentix registration)

sentix Survey results (06-2021)


Further consolidation likely

The more favourable conditions announced by the Time Differential Index for the course of the week have been reflected in stronger than expected price gains. The result is a strong increase in bullish market participants. This also makes it likely that the second part of our previous week's statement could become reality, namely another correction trend of around 2 weeks.

Further results:
  • FX: USD on the rise
  • Crude oil: End of rally in sight
  • sentix Economic Index: Monday, 08.02.2021, 10.30 a.m.

Click here for the full report (requires a sentix registration)

Europe clearly lagging behind


The sentix overall economic index for Euroland falls by -1.5 points in February to an index level of -0.2 points. The lockdowns in many European countries are leaving their mark. For Euroland, the assessment of the current situation falls by 1.0 points, while the expectations component drops by 2.0 points. A similar trend can be observed for the assessment of the German economy. The international picture is different. The US economy in particular is setting an exclamation mark. However, Japan and the Asia ex Japan region are also continuing to recover.


sentix Survey results (05-2021)


Negative sentiment in the short-term

The correction tendencies of the past week have left clear traces in investor sentiment. The sentix sentiment is clearly becoming more pessimistic. This opens up the chance of a rebound in the coming week. However, an end to the correction trend is statistically only to be expected in 2-3 weeks.

Further results:
  • FX: USD on the rise
  • Bonds: Bias continues to erode
  • sentix investor positioning in equities and bonds

Click here for the full report (requires a sentix registration)

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