There the wood creaks


The sentix Euro Break-up Index (EBI) increases significantly in October from 7.7% to 11.8%. This is the highest reading since February 2014. The rising problems on the economic front of the Eurozone start again to undermine the stability of the Eurozone. To the weak readings in the EBI even the results of the Euro zone banking stress tests, which were already known in the market during the survey, could not change anything.


sentix ASR Essentials 40-2014


Pessimism a little less marked on Equities

The latest sentix survey indicates that pessimism towards equities has begun to ease, both in terms of participants' views on the near-term and their medium-term, more strategic opinion on markets. A less pessimistic attitude can also be seen in investor positioning, with the level of over-investment in equities among survey respondents having moved back to longer-term average levels (Chart 3, page 2). While bonds have been the near-term sentiment losers from this change of investor tack, survey participants' over-investment in European bonds is still above long-term average levels (Chart 10a, page 4). It is still early days with regards to the swing in sentiment back from bonds towards equities.

Click here for the full report

sentix IPO Sentiment: Das tat weh

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Die enttäuschenden Börsengänge am deutschen Aktienmarkt haben die IPO Stimmung der Anleger massiv gedrückt. Das sentix IPO Sentiment kippt um 20,25 Punkte ab und notiert nun mit -39,75 Punkten auf dem niedrigsten Stand seit Juni 2012! Damit haben Rocket Internet und Zalando ihren potentiellen Emissionsnachfolgern einen echten Bärendienst erwiesen.


sentix ASR Essentials 39-2014


Emerging Market sentiment plays catch-up with Commodities

The latest sentix survey indicates that the notable divergence in opinion on the Emerging Markets (EMs) and Commodities has begun to close. In recent months, a rising tide of optimism towards EMs as an asset class has provided an unusual counterpoint to deep pessimism on Commodities. An odd development given sentiment towards both asset classes has historically had a reasonably close relationship. However, this month’s questions’ on asset class preferences indicate that investors have begun to temper their optimism on EMs. While there remains a notable sentiment gap, Emerging Market sentiment has begun to play catch-up with Commodities.

Click here for the full report (sentix login required)

Chemicals shares lose their status as darlings


In October, the sentix Sector Sentiment which was polled via the latest sentix Global Investor Survey sends a clear message: investors increasingly like shares of defensive sectors and turn their backs at cyclical stocks. Among these, chemicals shares experience a particularly strong setback in sentiment this month. They now have finally lost their status as "darlings" among investors, but their disenchantment is set to continue.


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