sentix Economic News

Read the latest information and indications about the "first mover" among the economic indicators!

Background information on the sentix economic indicators

It will not get any better?

The sentix economic indices show different trends for the different countries and regions. While Euroland and Eastern Europe stand out due to their better situation indices, the US is still characterized by a slowdown. Overall, it is striking that the economic expectations have weakened slightly. The economic momentum may thus be a top line. Better, as it indicates the very good situation index values, it will probably not be for the time being.


US economic slowdown - America first!

The economy in Euroland continues to show its friendly side. The situation for the Eurozone is rising for the sixth time (!) In a row and reaches the highest level since January 2008 with 36 points. In Germany, the economy is in even better shape. Here, the situation assessment reaches 66.8 points the highest since the start of the sentix data collection in 2009. Despite this very good assessment of the situation, the expectations remain stable. This is surprising, because from sentix investor's point of view, the world's largest economy is weakening!


Signals of weakness in the US

The Euroland economy continues to be in good shape. The sentix economic index for the Euro area rises to 27.4 points, the highest since July 2007. These assessments are increasingly supported by the current situation assessment, which reached the highest level since January 2008, with 34.5 points. It is even better in Germany. Here, the current situation judgment reaches 61.3 points the fifth largest ever measured value. Quite different is the situation in the US, where investors are increasingly looking at the economic outlook. US economic expectations are falling again.


The situation in Euroland continues to grow

The Euro area is making further economic progress. The assessment of the economic situation by professional and private investors questioned by sentix is exceptionally good. Prior to the important presidential elections in France, the Euroland economy's current situation index has risen to its highest level since January 2008. Expectations are also rising slightly. The Eurozone thus stands out positively from other global regions.


The economy keeps buzzing

The sentix headline index for the Eurozone economy increases 3.3 points in March – the highest index level in 10 years. Investors rate the current situation exceptionally favourable. The current situation index rises 3.3 points to the highest level since March 2011. Investors’ economic expectations are on the rise for all major world regions. Therefore, last month’s drop is just a temporary correction. We believe that there is no imminent threat to economic prosperity. Besides the positive development of advanced economies, economic momentum remains strong for the emerging markets. Even Latin America manages to gain momentum.


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