sentix Economic News

Read the latest information and indications about the "first mover" among the economic indicators!

Background information on the sentix economic indicators

Is the US economy overheating?

The economic development in the individual regions of the world continues to be uneven. Overall, however, the current assessments of the approximately 1,000 investors surveyed by sentix remain relatively relaxed. This is due not insignificantly to the very good assessment of the US economy, where we are once again measuring an all-time high in the current situation index. This is increasingly causing inflation fears among investors, which in turn should prompt the central banks to continue their restrictive monetary policy. This also seems to be one of the reasons why the majority of expectation indices remain slightly negative.


Emerging markets on a downward trend

In the last two months, investors have hoped that the economic downturn will be short-lived. This hope was largely lost at the beginning of September. From the perspective of the more than 1,000 investors surveyed by sentix, the economic sky darkens significantly, especially for the emerging markets. And this also has an impact on the developed markets.


Concerns about trade disputes diminish

The summer heat in Europe is also causing economic temperatures to rise again. The overall Euro zone index rose by 2.6 points to 14.7 points in August. A complete all-clear cannot yet be given, because with negative expectations, the economy is still in a cooling off phase. But investors seem to see the dangers of an escalation in the trade dispute initiated by US President Trump much less acute.


Asia is also getting into the negative suction

The economic situation continued to be depressed in July. Economic expectations in the euro zone have indeed recovered by around 3 points. However, this is probably only a countermove to the strong discount of June. Other regions continue to show signs of weakening. Expectations for Germany and Japan are falling for the sixth time in a row. And also the Asian region ex Japan, hitherto the bearer of hope, has to cope with a slump in expectations.


Is Italy tipping over the euro economy?

Now they are here, the American punitive tariffs. So far, this has done less harm than one might think to global economic expectations. It appears that investors still hope that the world's trade dispute with the US will not get out of control. Investors, on the other hand, are far less lenient with developments within the euro zone. The new government in Rome is very sceptical. This is so strong that economic expectations in the euro zone are downright tilting.


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