sentix Economic News

Read the latest information and indications about the "first mover" among the economic indicators!

Background information on the sentix economic indicators

The sun rises in Asia

In March, the sentix economic indices are sending signs of stabilisation in the eurozone economy. While the assessment of the situation has fallen to 6.3 points for the seventh time in a row, economic expectations have im-proved for the second time. This is fueling hopes that there will be no recession. The results for the German economy are similar. In the search for the starting point of a new upswing, the region Asia ex Japan moves into focus. The situation and expectations are improving here.


Spring recovery not yet in sight

Even in February, the bad news for the economy in Euroland is not abating. The sentix economic index drops to only +3.1 points for the sixth time in a row. This is the lowest level since November 2014! The sentix indices are performing similarly to the recent ifo index: with slightly improved expectations, the situation values continue to collapse. Things are looking a little better internationally. The overall indices may improve slightly here. But this is not enough to proclaim a turnaround.


Weak start to the new year

From an economic point of view, the new year begins just as the old one ended: the worries on the forehead of investors about the overall economic situation did not diminish at the beginning of January 2019. For the im-portant economic regions of the world, the sentix economic indices show another slight setback. In Euroland, the overall index fell from -0.3 to -1.5 points, the fifth consecutive decline. The expectations for the US economy are changing particularly strongly: here the US administration is increasingly blocking itself.


Dark memories of 2007

At the end of 2018, the sentix economic indices awaken gloomy memories of the pre-crisis year 2007. The overall economic index for the euro zone falls for the fourth time in a row to -0.3, the lowest value since December 2014. Both the situation and expectations collapse. Looking at the international environment, there is practically no glimmer of hope, as even the hitherto strong US stocks are falling significantly. Now the (monetary) policy is called for!


Momentum continues to crumble

In November, economic momentum in the global economy continues to weaken. With the exception of Latin America, we are measuring a weakening of situation assessments for all regions of the world. At the same time, most of the expectation values remain negative. In the euro area, the overall index fell from 11.4 to 8.8 points. The situation remains clearly positive at 29.3, but the slowdown continues. There are many reasons for this.


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