sentix Economic News

Read the latest information and indications about the "first mover" among the economic indicators!

Background information on the sentix economic indicators

Excellent situation, expectations diminish

The sentix Economy Index for the Eurozone concludes its series of rising highs and returns 2.9 points in December. Expectations are responsible for this, with a more pronounced drop of 6.0 points. The assessment of the situation, on the other hand, can even increase slightly (+0.7 points). The values for Germany are also falling. The overall index dropped by 3.3 points to 39.1 points. Economic expectations have fallen by 5.3 points. There is also a calming effect on the global economy. Falling expectations dominate, with the emerging markets losing the least in relative terms. The autumn revival seems to be coming to an end.


Boom, boom, boom

At the beginning of November 2017, the European and global economies are in exceptionally strong shape. The sentix economic index for Euroland rises again to 34 points, the highest since July 2007! Both situation and expec-tations contribute to this positive development. Things are even better in Germany, where we can report all-time highs. However, the upturn is not just focused on Europe. All world regions considered by sentix show fur-ther improvements. The global economy is booming. This should make the question of overheating symptoms more acute.


Successful test after the Bundestag elections

The economic momentum continues. The overall index for Euroland improves by 1.5 points and reaches a new 10-year high with 29.7 points. Current situation and expectations are improving to a similar extent. The first economic test after the Bundestag elections can be considered successful. The time series for German economy of the "first movers among the leading indicators" are clearly climbing and are promising an unbroken upturn - even under a changed government. The global economic engine continues to gain strength. For the US investors are shaking their intermittent worries and the region of Asia is also creating strong economic optimism. The sentix Global Aggregate also rises to a 10-year high.


The breadth of the upturn is right

The sentix economic indices for Euroland also signal a stable constitution in September. The overall index rises slightly to 28.2 points. The situation index and expectations show little change in the previous month. Last month, the German and US data were disappointing. There are moderate counter-movements in both regions this month. All other world regions remain on a growth path. In Japan the situation is strikingly upward and reaches the highest value since summer 2007.


The economy is going through the zenith

The sentix economic indices are regarded as the "first mover" of the economic early indicators. These indexes have often been the first to show the turning points of economic dynamics. Therefore, the current values of the August survey among more than 1,000 investors make you listen. Around the world, expectations are dropping, led by the US with the fifth consecutive decline! Trump works, but other than desired by him. The German model boy also loses a lot of speed. The scandal surrounding the car industry has the potential to become an economic mood killer.


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