sentix ASR Essentials 33-2016


Positive strategic bias on China chimes with Commodity optimism

The latest sentix survey reveals some interesting sentiment developments on equities. On the developed markets front, survey participants’ strategic bias on the EuroSTOXX is continuing to revive from mid-summer lows. However, there are signs that investors have become a little less positive on the strategic outlook for US equities. This has seen the gap between strategic bias readings for the EuroSTOXX and S&P 500 bounce back from recent lows. On the emerging markets front, investors’ faith in the medium-term prospects for Chinese equities remains undiminished. This chimes with continued optimism on commodities as an asset class. EM equities and commodity sentiment remain closely linked (Charts 2-4, p2).

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sentix Investmentmeinung 32-2016

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Update zu China

In der letzten Woche hatten wir die aussichtsreiche Situation für chinesische Aktien beschrieben und den Shanghai Composite in unser „View“-Portfolio aufgenommen. Die Ausgangslage gemäß der sentix-Daten hat sich weiter verbessert. Das wird auch aus der statistischen Analyse der sentix-Daten deutlich.

Geänderte Einschätzungen: Keine

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sentix ASR Essentials 32-2016


Investors appear to be less on the (sector) defensive

The latest sentix survey provides a view of investors’ current convictions on European sectors versus the market. In terms of broad investment themes, survey participants’ have become less pessimistic on financial sectors such as Insurance and Banks versus the market and more upbeat on cyclical sectors such as Chemicals, Construction and Industrials. At the same time, defensives such as Healthcare, Telecom and Food & Beverage appear to be losing some of their allure in a relative context, with sentiment readings edging lower over the month. Investors are beginning to move onto a less defensive footing in terms of their European sector preferences. See page 2 for charts.

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sentix Investmentmeinung 31-2016

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Werden China-Aktien zum heißen Tipp?

Die sentix Konjunkturindizes warten aktuell mit überraschend positiven Indikationen auf. Die Erwartungswer-te rund um den Globus steigen – angeführt von der asiatisch-pazifischen Region. Dies ist umso bedeutender, als zum Beispiel heute noch Import-Export-Daten des Vormonats negativ von den Medien kommuniziert wurden. Die Anleger bei sentix sehen das anders. Dies gilt auch für den Aktienmarkt.

Geänderte Einschätzungen: Aktien China

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sentix ASR Essentials 31-2016


Economic expectations supporting positive strategic bias on China

The latest sentix survey underlines the continued interplay between macro and market expectations. In the case of the Eurozone (EZ), the sentix Economic Expectations Index recovered from its post-Brexit shock, bouncing back from -2.0 to +4.8. This improvement in economic expectations can also be seen in investors’ views on markets, with economics seen as becoming a slightly less bullish theme for EZ bonds over the past month. Economic expectations are even more elevated for Asia ex-Japan, with the region’s expectations index hitting its highest level since June 2015 in August. This chimes with the continued increase in survey readings based on investors’ medium-term strategic bias on Chinese equities. Improving expectations on the economy continue to support investors’ constructive views on the Chinese market’s medium-term outlook (see Page 2 for charts).

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