sentix Survey results (08-2025)


The equity sentiment cools significantly

The mood on the stock markets is cooling. Particularly in Germany, investors even have a touch of fear before the election weekend. Nevertheless, from a sentiment perspective, this does not yet represent a buying opportunity. In any case, investors view German government bonds as the losers in the upcoming government policy in Germany.

Further results

  • Bonds: Euroland bonds among the losers
  • FX: yen bias continues to rise
  • sentix Styles - Investor preferences & behavior

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sentix Survey results (07-2025)


Vola signal for US technology stocks

Investor irritation on the stock market is rising sharply! We are measuring the highest level in the Super Neutrality Index for the Nasdaq since April 2018, which means that a rise in volatility is imminent. There is also a marked bias trend for equities in China and mid-caps in Germany. Bitcoins, on the other hand, are experiencing a stall. The bond markets cannot benefit from any development.

Further results

  • Equities: Momentum in China
  • Bitcoins: Flow stall in the bias of investors
  • sentix sector sentiment

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sentix Survey results (06-2025)


High level of neutrality and low basic confidence

On the US stock market, we are seeing an increase in short-term bears. The corresponding sentix index also shows a divergence from price movements. This sentiment is similar to that at the end of 2021. US technology stocks in particular appear vulnerable. There is also an interesting constellation to report from the silver market.

Further results

  • Bonds: not benefiting from the uncertainty on the stock markets
  • Silver: rare signal with medium-term effect
  • sentix economic index: Monday, 10.02.2025, 10.30h CET

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sentix Survey results (05-2025)


Weak fundamental confidence in US tech stocks

An interesting development is taking place in the sentix sentiment indicator. Strategic confidence in the US equity markets continues to erode, while it improves in the eurozone. This is particularly pronounced in US technology stocks. Is this the beginning of the end for the outperformance of the ‘magic 7’?

Further results

  • Equities: Sentiment high for gold mines
  • USD-JPY: Bias on dive
  • Silver: Sentiment high

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sentix Survey results (04-2025)


Clear investor reaction after "Drill, baby, drill" message

Donald Trump has made a powerful impression with his latest comments on crude oil and has caused an erosion in basic confidence in crude oil. The bias collapsed by 20 percentage points. Investors trust the newly elected US president that his policies will lead to falling crude oil prices in the medium term. However, the crude oil companies and Opec are likely to have other plans. Will Trump and the markets be caught on the wrong foot?

Further results

  • Equities: Unfavourable TD Index
  • Precious metals: TD index as the biggest pro argument
  • sentix investor positioning in equities and bonds

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