sentix ASR Essentials 03-2015


Commodities and Emerging Markets Sentiment still closely linked

The latest sentix survey indicates that while investors remain upbeat on the Chinese equity market, they remain cautious on the medium-term outlook for Emerging Equity Markets as an asset class. This chimes with their pessimism on Commodities, though survey respondents are less downbeat than they were in Q4 last year. Indeed, this is also evident in weekly survey readings on Crude and Gold, which continue to indicate a marked improvement in participants' medium-term strategic bias for both markets. A notable development, given sentiment towards Commodities and Emerging Markets remains closely linked (see Chart 3, page 2).

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Investors extremely pessimistic for energy shares


While the feebleness of oil prices continues, sentix Sector Sentiment for European energy shares falls again to an all-time low. Taken face value, this is a positive sign for the future performance of the sector's stocks. But it does not look as if energy shares could reach more than a temporary stabilisation in the coming weeks – their current price behaviour is just too weak.


sentix ASR Essentials 02-2015


Energy remains deeply unloved

The latest sentix survey underlines that investors’ views on sectors have begun to shift in recent months. On one hand, optimism on Healthcare has become less extreme, while the past month saw a reversal in survey readings on Retail, Food & Beverage and Media versus the market. On the other, survey participants have become less cautious on the six month outlook for Cyclical sectors such as Industrial Goods & Services, Autos and Chemicals. Indeed, pessimism on Basic Resources has also become less marked in the past month. However, as yet there are no signs of a change of heart towards Energy. While investors have become increasingly optimistic on the medium-term outlook for Crude Oil, pessimism remains the dominant survey theme on the Energy sector relative (see Charts 2 to 4, page 2).

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Wer ist der Öl-Kerviel?

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Die Entwicklung an den Rohölmärkten gehört derzeit zu den wichtigsten Einflussfaktoren an den Kapitalmärkten. Der rasante Verfall der Ölnotierungen (mehr als 50% Verlust innerhalb eines halben Jahres) wirft dabei viele Fragen auf. Zum einen: Was sagt dieser Preistrend über den Stand der Weltwirtschaft? Und zweitens, weit wichtiger: Wieso fällt der Preis überhaupt so stark und was bedeutet dies für die im Öl positionierten Anleger?


sentix-Analyse Januar 2015 im DAF

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Heute war sentix-Geschäftsführer Manfred Hübner zu Gast im Deutschen Anlegerfernsehen. Im Gespräch mit Viola Grebe erläuterte er u.a. die neuesten Ergebnisse des sentix Konjunkturindex und die aktuelle Stimmungslage.

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