01 March 2015
Posted in
sentix Weekly
Investors still upbeat on Equities; but less certain on medium-term
The latest sentix survey suggests that investors remain relatively positive on the outlook for equities from a medium-term strategic perspective. Indeed, monthly questions covering investors’ positioning also indicate that over-investment in European equities versus the long-term average level remains elevated. That said there are a couple of straws in the wind which point to a change of sentiment tack. For one thing, readings on the medium-term strategic outlook for the EuroSTOXX have begun to edge back from recent highs, though they remain high-end. For another, sentix medium-term Neutrality indicators have begun to back away from recent lows. This suggests that there is a little less certainty on the strategic outlook for the EuroSTOXX among those investors polled (see Pages 2 and 3).