sentix Investmentmeinung 28-2018

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Eine Party ohne Stimmung – Risse im Fundament

Die Party an den US-Aktienmärkten müsste eigentlich die Laune heben. Tut sie aber nicht! Selbst die Allzeithochs beim Nasdaq entfachen keine Jubelarien. Dies dürfte an der Perspektivlosigkeit liegen, die sich in den mittelfristigen Indikatoren zeigen. Die Musik auf der Party spielt, aber kaum einer hat Lust zu tanzen.

Geänderte Einschätzungen: keine

Lesen Sie hier die Investmentmeinung (sentix Registrierung erforderlich)

sentix Survey results (28-2018)


Clouds darken with crude oil

Stock markets are stabilizing, market sentiment remains depressed. Conversely, there will be no new prospects for investors in the medium term either. Even the celebrated U.S. stock market is not full of esprit - despite the all-time highs in the technology sector. Rather, the bonds attract attention, above all the US Treasuries. A drop in oil prices could dampen concerns about inflation.

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sentix Investmentmeinung 27-2018

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Ruhe vor dem Sturm

Die heute veröffentlichten Daten der sentix Konjunkturindizes sollten Anleger in Aktien beunruhigen. Denn nun sinken auch die Erwartungswerte der asiatischen Region. Das weckt ungute Erinnerungen an die Krisenjahre des letzten Jahrzehnts: 2008, 2011 und 2015/2016.

Geänderte Einschätzungen: keine

Lesen Sie hier die Investmentmeinung (sentix Registrierung erforderlich)

Asia is also getting into the negative suction


The economic situation continued to be depressed in July. Economic expectations in the euro zone have indeed recovered by around 3 points. However, this is probably only a countermove to the strong discount of June. Other regions continue to show signs of weakening. Expectations for Germany and Japan are falling for the sixth time in a row. And also the Asian region ex Japan, hitherto the bearer of hope, has to cope with a slump in expectations.


sentix Survey results (27-2018)


Weakness in Asia

The fears of June on the stock market have vanished, no new confidence has emerged. The development in Asia is striking. Investors there seem to sense a greater problem. Investors are equally cautious about the rise in oil prices. Her bias is dropping again. Consequently, the bias for US treasuries remains robust. What remains is an enormous irritation, which is expressed in high, short-term neutrality values to the US stock market.

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