sentix Survey results (45-2018)


Bias further in minor, Instis are in charge

There are almost no extreme values in the statistics table this weekend. Consequently, one might think that there is little new to report. A look at the individual indices confirms this picture. The trends in investor behavior from the previous weeks continue to strengthen, reflecting a strong investor conviction in view of the price changes in many indices. The Swiss equity market is developing particularly noticeably.

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sentix Investmentmeinung 44-2018

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Ein unvorteilhaftes Sentiment

Am Wochenende haben wir eine Reihe neuer Daten erhalten. Neben der neuen Indikation des „first mover“, des sentix Konjunkturindex, lassen auch die wöchentlichen Daten aufhorchen. Insgesamt zeichnen diese ein eher unvorteilhaftes Bild für die Aktienmärkte. Wie groß ist nun das Risiko?

Geänderte Einschätzungen: DAX, EuroSTOXX 50, Nikkei

Lesen Sie hier die Investmentmeinung (sentix Registrierung erforderlich)

sentix Survey results (44-2018)


Time Differential Index with Sell Signal

The past week has had a considerable effect on investors. Sentiment for equities has risen, basic confidence remains clouded. This puts the recovery in equities on a shaky footing. We measure a reversed picture with bonds, where the sentiment is reflexively tilting into negative territory. Investors are developing a particular confidence in gold and crude oil.

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Momentum continues to crumble


In November, economic momentum in the global economy continues to weaken. With the exception of Latin America, we are measuring a weakening of situation assessments for all regions of the world. At the same time, most of the expectation values remain negative. In the euro area, the overall index fell from 11.4 to 8.8 points. The situation remains clearly positive at 29.3, but the slowdown continues. There are many reasons for this.


Investmentmeinung -kompakt- November 2018

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Wir haben soeben unsere Investmentmeinung -kompakt- für den Monat November veröffentlicht. In dieser Publikation fassen wir die aktuellen Empfehlungen des Research-Portfolios, ergänzt um eine Kurzkommentierung, zusammen.

Lesen Sie hier die Investmentmeinung -kompakt- (sentix Registrierung erforderlich)

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