Interactive schedule


You want to know which dates are pending at sentix or when the newest economic indices are published sometime in the next twelve months? Then take a look at the sentix schedule that answers these questions interactively for you!

Chart tool: a quick path to results


If you use our chart tool to analyse our data, you may have wondered why you have to scroll through such a long indicator list to find the right data series. We want to show alternative ways.


Eine Frage an Herrn Wulff

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Unser Bundespräsident Christian Wulff beantwortet zur Zeit gerne Fragen. Mehr als 400 wurden ihm bereits gestellt. Da möchten wir auch noch eine beisteuern!


New tutorial


As part of the series "sentix know how" we have completed a new tutorial that will show you the analysis tools for their own assessments sentiment.

You find all tutorials here (German)

More sentix Know How

Glimmers of hope


After the stabilization attempts of the past two months, all 6 world regions were able to improve, now. It is good to see that, in general, economic expectations improve more clearly. In the USA, the total index finally climbs into positive territory again. The same can be said for the sentix Global Aggregate indices, after 5 months in hiding.


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