sentix starts Euro break-up risk index


sentix starts the publication of a Euro break-up risk indicator

How do private and institutional investors think about the existence and stability of the euro zone? Which country is the biggest wobble candidate? These are just two of several issues that investors have to deal with since since the euro debt crisis became a dominant market factor.

The new sentix poll on the stability of the Euro zone amongst almost 4.000 investors starts on June 22th, 2012. The survey results provide new indicators that show whether and how many investors expect a break of the euro zone and which countries are particularly in focus.

The results will be reported by sentix on the following Monday on the internet ( (first time on June 25th, 2012)!

In addition all active participants will have access to the data and charts of this new indicator group in sentix My sentix portal (available from July 1st, 2012).

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