Investors want dividends, dividends, dividends


Investors' preferences for dividends are as strong as never before. At the same time stocks are currently barely bought for the motive of price increases. This is what the results of the latest sentix Global Investors Survey show.


sentix ASR Essentials 44-2014


Due to travelling we cannot provide an English report this week. Please excuse the inconvenience. If you want to check the latest highlights, the German report might give you an impression about where to look.

Click here for the analysis in German (sentix registration required)

Energy shares sentiment at a low


Facing a weak performance, investors lose hope for European energy shares in November: sentix Sector Sentiment for the industry's stocks – polled via the latest sentix Global Investor Survey – drops sharply and now stands close to an all-time low. But this does not automatically mean that the downtrend in the sector's share prices is stopped by now.


sentix ASR Essentials 43-2014


Cyclicals sentiment upswing

The latest sentix survey suggests that investors’ views on sectors have begun to shift in the past month. On one hand, survey respondents have become less cautious on the six month outlook for Cyclical sectors such as Industrial Goods & Services, Autos and Chemicals. Sentiment towards Basic Resources has also modestly improved, in contrast to Energy, where pessimism still dominates. On the other hand, they have become less optimistic on the prospects for Telecoms and Healthcare versus the market (see Charts 2 to 4, page 2). Deep pessimism on Cyclical sectors versus Defensives may be beginning to ease.

Click here for the full report

TV-Hinweis: sentix-Analyse im DAF

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Heute war sentix-Geschäftsführer Manfred Hübner zu Gast im Deutschen Anlegerfernsehen. Im Gespräch mit Antje Erhard erläuterte er u.a. die neuesten Ergebnisse des sentix Konjunkturindex.

HIer geht es zum Video

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