Ergebnisse des sentix Global Investor Survey (KW 52-2014)

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Neue 52-Wochenhochs im Strategischen Bias zeigen eine enorme Zuversicht für den Aktienmarkt an. Beide Anlegergruppen hegen zunehmend Kaufabsichten und setzen diese auch um (siehe Seite 4).

Lesen Sie hier die Ergebniskommentierung (sentix Registrierung erforderlich)

Aufgrund der Weihnachtsfeiertage entfällt in dieser Woche die Investmentmeinung. Wir bitten um Verständnis.

sentix ASR Essentials 48-2014


Emerging Market and Commodity bright-spots

The latest sentix survey indicates that investors are becoming increasingly downbeat on the medium-term outlook for Emerging Equity Markets as 2014 draws to a close, in an echo of the notable pessimism evident on Commodities as an asset class (albeit monthly survey readings are above their 2014 low point). However, behind their asset class preferences, there are a couple of noteworthy developments. Firstly, on the Emerging Markets front, survey respondents remain optimistic on the Chinese market from a medium-term, strategic viewpoint. Secondly, on Commodities, they are also becoming more upbeat on Crude in the medium-term. There are some brighter spots in the sentiment gloom that overhangs both Emerging Markets and Commodities as an asset class.

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Oil prices spin around investors’ sentiment


The strong fall in oil prices leaves its traces in the sentix Sector Sentiment. On the one hand, the sentiment for European oil and gas stocks drops to an all-time low. The same holds true for basic resources shares. On the other hand, some also benefit from the cheaper "black gold". "Travel and Leisure" as well as "Consumer Goods" are among those for which investors' perspectives brighten.


sentix ASR Essentials 47-2014


Cyclicals sentiment upswing yet to reach Energy and Resources

The latest sentix survey suggests that investors' views on sectors have begun to shift in the last couple of months. On one hand, survey respondents have become less optimistic on the prospects for Telecoms and Healthcare versus the market. On the other, they are now less cautious on the six month outlook for Cyclical sectors such as Industrial Goods & Services, Autos and Chemicals. As yet, however, deep pessimism remains the dominant survey theme on Basic Resources and Energy. Such pessimism echoes the extreme negative near-term sentiment towards Crude Oil, though on this front there are signs that investors are becoming less pessimistic on a medium-term, more strategic perspective (see Charts 2 to 4, page 2).

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sentix Jahresausblick 2015

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Titelbild sentix Jahresausblick 2015Das Jahr 2014 neigt sich dem Ende zu - es wird Zeit, sich über die Strategie für 2015 Gedanken zu machen!

Der sentix Jahresausblick 2015 wirft einen Blick voraus auf das kommende Jahr und liefert wertvolle Themenanalysen sowie die sentix Jahresablaufpläne für eine Vielzahl von Anlagemärkten.


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Die lebendig unterhaltsame wie fachlich präzise Schreibweise und der methodisch ansprechende Aufbau mit vielen Charts, Bildern und Grafiken bereitet mir viel Vorfreude auf die Ausgabe 2015.

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