sentix ASR Essentials 13-2016


Macro expectations bolster bias for US versus EZ Equities

The latest sentix underlines the continued interplay between macro and markets. On the equity front, a feature of recent surveys has been investors’ more positive medium-term strategic bias on US equities versus the Eurozone (EZ). This chimes with some relative improvement in economic expectations for the US relative to the Eurozone. US values in April’s sentix Economic Index improved considerably again, with current situation and expectation values gaining +5 index points respectively. The overall US sentix Economic Index rose to 14.5 as compared to 5.7 for the Eurozone. Macro expectations appear to be bolstering investors’ strategic bias for US equities over Eurozone. On the Eurozone bond front, however, the latest sentix survey also indicates that economic developments have become a less bullish theme for bonds. See Page 2 for charts.

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The process of economic stabilization of investors expectations has continued at the beginning of April. The sentix index of general business confidence for the Eurozone increases marginally to +5,7 points. Thus, lagging behind the consensus of economists questioned by Bloomberg, which expected an increase to +7 points. In contrast, the US economy stands out positive in April. Investors believe that economy is back in upswing territory. For Japan, primary the current situation values deteriorate.


sentix Investmentmeinung 12-2016

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Ein goldiges Signal

Gold gehört in 2016 bislang zu den am besten rentierenden Anlagen. Seit rund zwei Wochen konsolidiert jedoch das gelbe Edelmetall. Hat Gold an den „Iden des März“ etwa sein Hoch markiert? Ein Blick auf die sentix-Daten zerstreut jedoch derlei Bedenken, denn im sentix Time Differential Index messen wir ein Allzeit-Tief – und dies ist ein positives Zeichen.

Geänderte Einschätzung: keine

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Relief in times of trouble


The sentix Euro Break-up Index (EBI) has surprisingly fallen to 16.7 points in March. This reflects the first reduction in Eurozone skepticism since six months ago. Risk reduction has been propelled by a more bullish view on Greece’s perceived current situation.


sentix ASR Essentials 12-2016


A less negative strategic bias on Asian equities

The latest sentix survey indicates that investors are less downbeat on Eurozone equities than they were in late-January/early-February, albeit survey participants continue to run with below average levels of over-investment in European equities. Investors’ views on Asian markets have also become less negative in recent weeks. Survey readings on Chinese equities have swung sharply back from their January lows, in a move that chimes with a less pessimistic view on commodities. In a more recent development survey respondents have also become a little less downbeat on Japan from a medium-term strategic perspective, though Nikkei readings remain low in a historic context. It appears that investors are becoming less negative on the medium-term outlook for Asian equities (see Charts 2-4, P2).

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