sentix Euro Break-up Index News

On this page we provide information about the latest development of the sentix Euro break-up Index. This indicator shows over time, how likely individual and institutional investors rate the probabilty of a breakup of the euro area (leaving at least one country) within 12 months time. Also it reflects which countries are particularly affected.

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Will the euro crisis return?


The corona crisis has worsened in recent weeks and, in addition to the health challenges, has also had a massive impact on the economy. Italy and Spain, two countries in southern Europe, have been particularly hard hit. There, the budget situation is likely to deteriorate sharply, which will increase the supply of government bonds. Investors are critical of this in view of the stability of the euro. The Euro Break-up Index rises to 13.4%!


Largely unaffected by the virus


The events surrounding the spread of the new corona virus are keeping people around the world and in Europe in suspense. The new outbreak in Italy poses major challenges for the economy and the government there. For investors, however, this is not yet the start of a new round of euro uncertainty.


No worries before the elections in Italy


The situation in the euro zone, measured by the sentix Euro Break-up Index, remains relaxed at the start of 2020. In contrast, the eagerly awaited regional elections in Italy left investors cold. Both the overall index and the sub-index for Italy fell slightly in the run-up to the elections.


The wind turns


After an all-time low in November, the Euro Break-up Index rose by 1.2 points at the end of the year. Besides Italy and France, the sub-indices of Malta and Estonia are also rising.


A warm welcome for Madame Lagarde


Even before the new President of the ECB, Christine Lagarde, will chair her first Council meeting and explain the de-cisions taken at a press conference, investors will form first narratives. One such narrative is that Madame Lagarde seeks to stand shoulder to shoulder with politics. This strengthens the cohesion of the Eurozone from the investors' point of view.


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